ZERO reportable environmental incidents
GISTM roadmap in place for conformance to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management
38% Water reuse

Centamin is committed to safeguarding the environment from impacts to water, land, climate, air quality and biodiversity, and engaging stakeholders on effective solutions. This includes a commitment to avoid, minimise, mitigate and/or remediate our impacts on the environment, and to maintain overall ecosystem health and resilience in the areas in which we operate.

Our approach to responsible environmental stewardship is formally set out in our Environmental Policy, which outlines our commitments to:

  • Comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements of the countries in which we operate, and where such legislation or requirements are lacking or absent, apply an internationally recognised standard
  • Ensure environmental risks and opportunities are captured in the Company’s risk management framework
  • Assess environmental and social impacts to inform planning decisions, processes, and implement risk-based management plans
  • Set measurable performance targets to drive accountability and improve environmental performance
  • Safe management of tailings storage facilities and hazardous materials and alignment to good industry practice
  • Support global efforts under the Paris Agreement to reduce our contribution to climate change and measure and report our GHG emissions in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
  • Monitor our impacts and conduct periodic reviews of environmental performance
  • Be transparent in communicating our environmental performance to stakeholders

Our Environment Policy is supported at operational level by an HSES Management Systems Standard and a tailored environmental management plan that considers the regulatory context of the country and unique environmental risks specific to each site.